Business Name : SonicQuill

Executive Director: Israel Y.

Main Office Address: Värmlandsgatan 18A, 413 28 Göteborg, Sweden
Contact Phone: +46101398410

Terms of Service

By using the Service, you affirm acceptance of the Terms of Use. We reserve the right to update these terms, and your continued usage indicates agreement with any modifications.

Terms Acceptance

By initiating access to and usage of our website, you explicitly agree to comply with the conditions stipulated in our comprehensive Terms of Use. If at any point these terms are unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to discontinue using our services immediately. Please be aware that these terms are subject to modification without prior notification, and your continued use of our website following any changes signifies your acceptance of the revised terms.

Limit Cap on Our Liability

Users must utilize the website solely for lawful purposes and refrain from posting, submitting, or transmitting any material that infringes on intellectual property rights, violates laws, or is fraudulent, misleading, defamatory, obscene, or harmful in any way.

Internet Navigation and Links

We do not assume responsibility for the security of our websites or your communications with them. Linking other sites to ours without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited. While we may allow some links for convenience, we do not endorse or take responsibility for any non-affiliated sites linked to ours. You bear all risks from using such sites.

Legal Control and Applicable Regulations

These Terms of Use and your use of the website are governed by the laws of our country, irrespective of conflict of law principles. You agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of our country's courts. We do not claim that the website is appropriate, legal, or available for use in locations outside of our country; accessing the website from territories where its contents are illegal is prohibited. If any provision of these Terms is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the Terms shall continue in effect.

In place of any unenforceable provision, an enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision will automatically be included in these Terms.

Digital Presence

We disclaim responsibility for any service interruptions or failures caused by external factors outside our control, such as severe weather conditions, technical failures, or regulatory changes. While we aim to provide uninterrupted service, we acknowledge that occasional disruptions may occur. Our commitment is to maintain transparent communication with our users, providing updates and information on service status and resumption of normal operations as quickly as possible.

Usage of Cookies

Before proceeding to use our website, we encourage you to review our Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy thoroughly. By doing so, you demonstrate your understanding and acceptance of our commitment to protecting your privacy.

Contacting Us

For comprehensive assistance or to delve into detailed questions regarding the stipulations of these terms, please consult the contact methods provided on our website. Our team is committed to offering significant support and exhaustive explanations to ensure your complete understanding and comfort with these terms.

Notification of Term Updates

Please note that we may, at our discretion, update or change these terms to better reflect the operational adjustments, new legal requirements, or enhancements in user experience. Any such changes will be listed on our website and effective immediately upon posting. We will also endeavor to notify you through other communication channels like email. Your continued use of our services after the effective date of such changes will constitute your consent to the updated terms.